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Using Prehospital Care Data for Joint Commission Compliance

Joint Commission (JC) compliance has important business implications for hospitals. Meeting these standards help hospitals qualify for federal reimbursement via Medicaid and Medicare. It also serves as a signal to patients that a facility has undergone a rigorous certification process to provide enhanced care and safety.

Among the many standards within the JC is maintaining a complete record of care, which includes not only the care provided by the hospital but the prehospital care as well. Read “Leveraging Prehospital Care Data for Joint Commission Compliance” to learn:

  • How to access prehospital data in a timely manner
  • Common roadblocks (and solutions) to receiving prehospital records
  • The impact on patient care and JC compliance

Download “Leveraging Prehospital Care Data for Joint Commission Compliance” today.

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